Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Our Cry is for Life, Canoas, Brazil


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Let us together play for LIFE! You have to know and fight against Human Trafficking! 

Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ.  It is a crime against humanity”.  Pope Francis 

The Network A Cry for Life of the Conference of Religious of Brazil, is active in all regions of the Country, and has approximately 70 religious congregations of men and women, besides many lay people and partners cooperating in addressing Human Trafficking.

Impelled to make the cry for life for all people heard, the Center of Porto Alegre Network of A Cry for Life has been carrying out actions to avoid that this crime against humanity remains invisible. For this, we addressed the problem in the public schools, through their Departments of Education, distributing kits with informational and educational materials on human trafficking. Our goal is to educate teachers and students about this sad and inhumane reality so that they can be protected and protect others.

We participated in the First Meeting on Integrated Action of Struggle for Human Trafficking, held on July 28, 2016. The meeting was sponsored by the Federal Public Defender’s Office, the Struggle for Human Trafficking of the Public Security Office, and other official offices. Members of the Women’s Defense Center, students interested in the subject and others attended the meeting.

The network A Cry for Life in partnership with the Struggle for Human Trafficking Centre of the State Public Security Department held a great orientation and handed out many leaflets on the prevention of Human trafficking on July 29, 2016 at the major Bus Station of the Rio Grande do Sul State. July 30 is the World Day to fight against Human Trafficking. It is still very clear that this is a hidden crime. Many people said they thought it was something like a soap opera or something one sees in the movies.  Still others had never yet heard about this terrible crime.

Sister Giulliane Maria has been the JPIC coordinator of Our Lady Aparecida Province, Canoas since 2015 and is a member of A Cry for Life Network – Porto Alegre Center.

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